june 7th, 2005
its another beautiful day today,the first day i am to go to 'work'.here, we are assigned to several tasks..to go to class, to go to work(everbody were given different tasks). bob and me are going to be incharge in handling a convenient store called the 'small mart'..it is one of the drury sife project, as an effort to gain funds for their projects.
first, before we start to sell stuff, the job is to do stock taking on items available in the store and in the same time, to check on the items' condition. i had a shock of my life to find some of the stuff were already expired like since 2002!!! oh, man..this is terrible..what would happen if somebody consume the stuff and later fall sick? mampos la kitorg. related to the case, my housemate, rakin went to the kwik pantry-a convenience store run by a pakistani couple..he got himself a starbuck's frapuccino drink...the moment the found that the drink taste a littel bit funny, he just realize that the drink has already expired since early last month..haiyoh!!and we got all this in the land where people pro-claim themself to be the best in everything..all feilds..what an amazing experience...
later today, for the first time, i cooked (with help of my housemate, icky) something that we call 'real' food. it was white rice, sambal udang, chap-chai vegetable and omelette...thank god, i am glad, we finally managed to cook, and eat FOOD....nyam..nyam...
again, for the first time, at about 7.30pm i found that all the periuk belanga rumah aku dah kena kebas..by friends living nearby.they borrowed them, because they need extra utensils to cook.some of them organizing kenduri kendara, so...i'm happy to see that happens here, in the land of uncle sam.
as i was having great time talkin, chatting, and laughing, for the first time, anuar, the most religious person among us, reminds us that it was rally close to the maghrib prayer...looking at the big crowd we have, for the first time again,all the boys decided to have a 'jamaah' prayer..it felt so good after being here for nearly 2 weeks..to have a chance to perform something that i guess one of the biggest call from the god and its messanger to the ummah..
before i forget..for the first time, i experienced the rain in the states. and it was a heavey..heavy rain..in malay, i would say it 'layan giler...dah lama tak hujan'..hehe...
even the rain was quite heavy, it wasn't good enough to stop me to get to the sports complex, to play basketball for the first time. went with Lin, another malaysian intern from KuiTTHo..and for the first time again, i (i mean we, lin and me)got a car ride to the gym(hujan, nak jalan macam mana?) ... the time we want to walk back after the game, it was still raining and guess what? another first time experience to run in the rain(main hujan sekali la tu) in the states..hehehe..sound obsessed? u be the judge.
at night, i guess there was nothin much happened. ppl came over to my place to hand in their work schedule and volunteer work forms. i guess i shall be sleepin late tonite, got some stuff to be taken care of..anyway..this is really a first time day..hehehe...adios amigos..
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