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Sunday, June 12, 2005

sorry, people..but i am mad!!

june 11th, 2005
the day is full of hard work, cheap labour-like-job,country music and anger . we was brought to ozarz for a supposed to be a 'river cleaning project' and we will help Bass Pro Shop (a shop selling outdoor equipments-biggest in the place) on their garage sale in raising funds for thier 'save the river' campaingn'. its a god thing to see a private organization, contributes directly in community program and effort to save the nature. its a good thing too, to see people to come in their trucks (with extended carrying space-alah, macam ekor lori tu) and load all the shits they bought and toe them away.(i wonder how are they going to unload those stuff too-banyak giler and besar nak mampos-plus, they are DAMN..DAMN..heavy. no kidding, no shit about it, man).
we, in the earlier part, was told to help in 'pushing the products' a.k.a to help in getting people to come and buy the products( some sort of sales assistant kind of job)..but later in the day, it was a weird thing to see how our people doing jobs more like being a warehouse slave..the cheap one(actually, we wasn't paid as we was considered as doing 'voluntary' work-my ass!!). if it was only the boys, i guess MAYBE it can still be considered 'O.K', but what i saw was, all of us, boys and girls, kena suruh macam la kitorang ni kuli bapak diorang buat kerja itu ini.bayangkan kena angkat almari yg aku rasa tinggi dalam 10kaki, berat dalam 100kg lebih),tak masuk lagi signboards yg besarnya sama besa ngan ekor lori kontena 20kaki..macam sial!! dah lah tak bagi tau clearly what kind of job weare going to do(at least i can wear proper outwear(like covered shoes and no need to sacrifice my newly bought timberland sandals), then buat pulak gaya macam diorang tu best giler. it was obvious, especially when it comes to their 'big boss called 'dan' that they look at us in a kind of weird way.some sort of 'i am the god, u gotta to litsen to me'..actually, its more like 'hey, i am a white man, you are just a bloody asian, shut up and do whatever my favour is'. i was really really mad to hear that this 'dan' man (or should i call him 'damn'?) call one good friend of mine(actually from my uitm team), only flick of fingers..terlepas jugak perkataan 'm*th*rf*ck*r' dari mlut aku.baru je ingat nak tinggalkan perangai maki-memaki ni, dah jadi macam doubt, those ppl that works in the 3rd warehouse(there was 3 of them-yg no.3 ni paling banyak barang/kerja as barang2 dia besar2) are quite nice and friendly..most of them were kind of old and looks like orang2 kampung..but this mr.damn,muda lagi(compared to others), he is around late 30's..belagak giler.pegila mampos..
when it comes into the praying time, anuar(ustaz), rakin, is and me was a kind of wonder where could we perform our obligation to the almighty Allah..thanks to HIM, HE poured such a heavy rain, making the feild looks greener, and guess what? we decided to pray there..on the feild, open was such a nice feeling to do that. imagine to see 4 muslims praying on the feild and people that came to the garage sale kept wondering what the F we were they can see, how islam is so easy and never a burden for its preachers..hahahaha..i got to say, i guess thats the best experience so far for me here when it comes to performing prayers.
later in the evening, the sale ended, we were entertained (actually diorang nak suruh bayar tapi kitorang taknak masuk kalau kena bayar, so diornag bagi masuk free, gila ko, usd5, takde masa aku!) by a concert, full of country songs. i personally feel that they do got good music, but actually none of us were interested to watch is as we were too..too tired working the whole day until we want to do nothing else, but to go back to springfeild.
i got bored, rakin too..we walked our way to the park nearby..ingat nak tengok itik je..but i was lucky, there was a group of people playing sword (lawan pedang, bukan yg macam sukan olimpik tu but the one like aragorn from lord of the rings).first, i went to them just to ask about the game, and have the feel holding the sword...but luckily later diorang bagi aku pakai baju besi and the head armour..ingat nak pakai complete but suddenly iskandar datang kata org smua dah nak balik..aiseh..potong aje..takpe, nanti jumpa diorang lagi aku nak pakai full set, and lawan pedang..hehe..baru tau..
we went back to drury aroud 8pm(finally, after waiting since 4.30pm)..on the way back jeff was a defending himself from being blamed for what happened today..even he said sorry for his ignorance on the workload we did..teruk jugakla...nak cerita panjang2 pun tak guna..just make it as a lesson for him to be more careful in the future.
had some chit chat..ustaz bagi ceramah tazkirah sikit(betul punya, bukan memain lah) about several matters..aku seronok gila dengar , tapi psl penat sangat, tertido aku atas lantai rumah camme..went back, tak mandi, (tapi sempat makan megi goreng 2 bungkus..lapa sangat)..and tido...chiao..


posted by imran at 2:01 PM |


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