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Thursday, January 19, 2006

its my birthday

yes people!!! its my birthday today.

since there were nothing like a party or something, i guess i got to do something. at 11.40pm last night, i rode all the way to Tanjung Harapan, (some call it as Tanjung Gila). why? this year, i'll be sitting at the seaside, watching container ships, fishermens' boats, and the operation of Northport, Port Klang.

sitting there watching at the scenery made me feel so free. though i got to sing the happy birthday song myself, is still believe this is the best way to do it. this is much better than stucked in shah alam doing nothing. much better.

there was no container operation this morning. only some container and cargo ships, waiting to leave the port were there. quite a number of fishermen were out. the wind breezed, bringing together the smell of the sea. and i was there looking at all these. the moon was bright, though it wasn't full. i love this. i love this so much.

thank you to those who called ( namely Zety and Nisa). For those that sent the text messages, i really appreciate it. may god bless all of you.

so, i'm now 24. what do i feel?

i have to admit that i'm getting bored to be in the education system. i want to go out, work out for my dreams. but i know god is great. HE has set things up for me. though i got a group of professors/lecturers to veto over my decision, i hope its for the good course. though i am still in the process of soul-searching, i believe the time will come when i don't have to walk alone anymore. though things aren't going right, i know i can do something to make it good again. i'm in the state where i want to do a lot of things, but i don't have means to do it all. but then again, i belive that its up to me to make it happen. wait, you people out there...time will tell

"happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to Imran,
Happy birthday to you."

posted by imran at 11:49 PM |


Commented by Blogger philters:

i know this is late but i just got back to civilisation- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

January 23, 2006 8:25 PM 

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