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Monday, December 26, 2005

my aunt's family arrived last night, they are here to send my cousin back to MMU cyber. i personally have some question on that. he (my cousin) is already 19, and able to take care of himself. why in the world does the whole family have to be there to send him off. this is NOT his first semester, he is not a psycho kid that needs to be watched all the time, in fact, he has a lot of friends. can't he take a bus ride all the way from penang, register himself, and be given chance to stand on his own feet? does the family, in particular, parents have to crack their head to do all these when actually the boy want to do it himself?

this is such a very sad situation. when parents want to take control of everything. in the time when the kid have to start learning to do it by its own, parents took the chance with various reasonings. if they don't learn now, when else? in this case, over protective just the wrong thing to be in place.

i never deny the right of parents to KNOW what happens to their children. or to HELP. but when it comes to the point where the kid have no control over his life, thats just bad. really bad.

the effect? the birth of new over-pempered generation. the worst case scenario, when these kids, when they grew older, have their own kids treat their children even worse.(in this case, the more you pemper the kids, the more bad it is) .even worse, the trend continues and, wonder what could happen to the future generations. manja tak kena tempat.

thats why in today's scenario, we find youngsters hardly able to find their identity, because the process being interrupted with the eagerness to run from control(parents). indirectly the decicions made were not based on what they want, but sometimes on what their parents don't like. just to proof to the old man that they are able to make decisions too.

so we have (retaliation vs. sane mind) vs. running over control.

parents, litsen to this...your children are O.K. its just they need to be given chance to proof it.

i'm glad that my parents geve me the chance. i want all of us have it too.

posted by imran at 8:39 PM |


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