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Friday, February 10, 2006

after so long, i'm back in debate training room. it was a kind of tough trying to challange my brain to work again. though it was hard, i got to was nice one. really nice one. i will try to stick to the session as frequent as i can. that's one of the thing i wanna do this year. before i graduate, i want to go back to the platform that has made me who i am today, the one that made me able and confidnet enough to write this blog, the one that i love..the debating scene.

i can still remember, the first debate i went thru. i was paired with mr.nazim. the motion was 'THBT Green is an unhealthy colour'. Hafiedz and Edzuan was on the other side. my English was poor. i couldn't really understand what the heck they were talking about. the next thing i know, it was my turn..and Nazim 'loaded' me with stuffs i got to say. while he wrote a kind of little note and hope i can remember all things he said to me..sir, i couldn't understand you, lah! so i went up, tried my best. god, even in that condition..4 minutes plus was the record. not so bad for a first timer, huh?

as usual, under the spirit of thoghtherness...a session in Khulafa Bistro always the agenda after every training. people were trying hard to make Hafiedz and me consume mee goreng mamak, just for the fun of it. i know all these were just a little challange from god in order for me to accomplish my mission. to lose my tummy by may and even better..if i could shape up my body.make it look better.that may sound funny for some people, but if there's no will, there's no way. believe me or not, i am now 81.9 kg, compared 82.7 the first day i started my program..

and i know the journey is still far...but i will keep on going for it!

posted by imran at 11:04 PM |


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