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Saturday, April 08, 2006

something is wrong with the chatbox. i've post the new one. hope this will last longer.(lin should be proud with me!)

that is what will happen when an i.t-blind person work something on html codes..he can just pray what he is doing works well.

well, as usual (it has only been 2 weeks and i started to call it 'usual') went for an ultimate pickup in UM, and according to plan at this particular moment i should be somewhere in Starhill area in KL for a drink with them. seemed that i have to let it pass tonight, maybe some other time, people.

the past 5 days have been a kind of great, hectic and fun! minus the downpour at almost every evening that deters me from doing some layout on the feild. (yes, thats what you call as 'dive' in other sports-and god, i'm so into this ultimate thingy)

lets move more and more days passed by, i become to miss my gym session more and more. and to do all that again i'm starting to think about leaving the part time job i'm soing now. not for the sake of goin gym alone, but i also hope to put more effort working on 3 projects i need to complete in order to graduate. i can't let myself stuck in this cocoon of degree-level educaion anymore. need to start working, get real-world experience..go overseas, do my masters..get my doctorate. notice that 'get married' is not in the list? simply explains the level of priority i have for that effort in my life.

annoncement: if you check my profile there'll be one more blog in my list. ingnore it. that is my guinea pig page. you know, to try new skins, etc. keep on coming to this one. and this one only! =)

time to update my template!

posted by imran at 11:18 PM |


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