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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Merapu..? maybe...NOT!!!


its friday..another friday on the way. a dau that many people in the U.S.A loves fact, majority of them do. why so? simply because...its the last day to work in the week, and 2 freedays are fact, some organization operates only half day on fridays..and that includes the facility department, drury university...what a pity..and people keep saying that Americans are so good and we got to follow their doubt, at some point, they are better than what we have back in Malaysia and many other 3rd world countries, but come to think of it, they are just blessed with the place they were in. just because they are in the U.S.A, they are closer to many things that people call.. a lifetime dream job of a lifetime. so, most of the time ended up looking high on them, wondering how could a person in early 30's manage to become top business is just they were blessed with their enterprise, and the size of the country itself, so big until by just making within the country is enough to get you ranked amonng the richest in Forbes. i somehow belive that if we were at the same shoes, many of our people could do so much better than majority of them...anyway, its life..and life does not always be the way we want it to be..its make it the way we want it to be.. based on this argument/principal..i belive, that i have always become a strong supporter to collegues that want to work hard and migrate.A question you might wanna ask me would be.. if i supports them and their idea so much, why don't i want to do it for myself? i shall leave that answered to myself and those who knows it...yeah, i am talkin got you folks..shama, aizati nisa, and some others. some people take this as a matter to laugh about..they always say, why bother to go far for something that you may get easily in your own country, my mom once said that if god loves somebody, he shall give that man his 'rezeki' or sourceof income around the area that he lives. maybe she is right, and i belive at some stage, she is right. it is just the matter to reach your personal goal and satisfaction. sounds selfish? my autie once said, our parents are not becoming younger day by day, they are getting it is more 'polite' to stay and always be with them...mana tau sakit ka, mati ka..sapa nak jaga? and belive me, i do belive that she is right too..and basically, that happens to many of my friends. they excell in their studies, the made great for their offers here and there to work. most of the time in big cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor Bharu, Singapore, etc. But they got to sacrifice all that, get a small job in town where they are from to stay close with the parents. i understand, responsibilities as children. but isn't it is a loss? a loss to himself, a loss to the society(because we cannot make benefit from good resources) and also, a loss to the industry itself..and this lead to greater loss to the country itself..another way to go against the 'go and run away idea would also be...if everybody goes to major cities, then who will be the idea of 'if one to stay and help the small town grow?' *sigh*..what the hack crack am i talkin about? .. anyway, the bottomline is ..the answers are always there in you to answer. Look for it, search for it, people. And make the best choice out of it. Out of whatever options you have, out of whatever dimension you may see it..good luck!!

lets get back to the story, what happened to me today? i woke around 10am. by 11, was already hungry. i mean i was hungry for lunch. i did not get myself anything for breakfast. joined forces with the uitm girls - baini,syahz, camme..we prepare lunch. ( eventho technically i was the one who cooks).. it was white rice, sambal tumis udang+ sliced hotdog, and chap-chai. 1pm, went for the friday prayer.

evening, as promised we had a business forum - Mr. Gil Trout, Chairman & CEO, UMB Bank-Southwest Region was the speaker. it was a good thing to see a person, around >40 years old to hold such position as a CEO..with 17 years of experience in the industry. Literally..17 years with the company..look, how loyalty pays. and i always belive in loyalty. in cerrier, i belive loyalty is one of the most important key to success...its not hard to see people to stay in a company for more that 10 years..and in most cases, that company is the first and maybe the last company they ever work for. its a total opposite aroma back in Malaysia. Each time people get in to a company, most of the time they have this mindset..only to to be with it for the most..lets say 5 years? and then they want to jump to other company, and 5 years more, another leap to some other company..maybe its a way to go for some people, and maybe for myself too..i won't know what might happen in my near future..but i always hope that i get into an organization with reputation, be a part of the team to continue the excellence..and stay long with them, grow with and downs..amen.. dengan rakin..menang was close...

nite, went to a ceramah agama in the masjid. we went for maghrib prayer, and the kullyah filled the gap to isya'. tabligh brothers from tulsa, oklahoma was the one who gave the kulliyah...i am sorry, brother.i accidentally fall asleep...but it was better than i leave the session and sleep somewhere least i was still under the wings of the angels..hehehe..

late nite, around 11, rakin, fea, syahz and myself started our nite downtown exploration. damn, it was TOTALLY different to see the place at nite. it was so....happening, crazy, and....ALIVE!!! i was personally amazed with the number of people in the area. where does all this people suddenly popped from? my theory would be, people here go for hibernation on the day, to save energy to use at night. you can see people all around the places, clubbing, loitering, skateboarding(made more skaters friends tonite..!!) ..all around the square. we did also encounter one about-to-happen fist fight and one rumble/ worry, police was there and i belive they are more than happy to grab some people for their entertainment tonight..hahahaa..

i guess thats all for now..tired, to get some sleep..i don't know what s gonna happen to all..


posted by imran at 3:32 AM |


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