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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Stickers, anybody?


helllo's a beautiful i slep around 4 last nite, i had i little problem to wake up this i told you , the bus was suppose to be at 7.15, i woke up at 6.35, with the feeling not wanting to join the visit, so i my blanket on..and ..zzzz.....7.00 somehow i woke up , with a different feeling. fired up to go...there's no much time left..apa lagi..gosok gigi, basuh muka, basahkan rambut...chow terus..tak mandi la we..tak sempat...

there was 7 of us..anuar, ai bao, shikin, meg, fea, syahz and myself. it was a business presentation by a sticker manufacturing company about their variety of products and how they customize themself to changes to remain competitive in the business, and in the same time increase their sales. it was really intersting to get info right from the source. i personally asked lots and lots of questions. and those guys was happy to answer all of them happily...seronok gile aku ..

on the way back..that was about 9.50am, ai bao, anuar and myself dropped by the north wal-mart. went into payleshoesource...nampak pulak kasut 10 dollar..pretty nice shoe, tho. tanpa ragu dan segan aku angkat terus..

wal-mart..sam walton's great gamble..i got myself..besides those groceries...a brand new cd-man...!!! it was sony..can play cd, mp3, attrac3plus,fm/am radio..we'll see how this one works. if it is good, i'll keep it. if not, bye-bye darling .. consumers's right..use it well..RETURN POLICY is the way to go..hehehe..

lunch..there was a joint force - ai bao, anuar, aza, and myself. we cook for 8 was really fun to have anuar taking charge of ikan talapia sweet sour, ai bou handling rice, aza with her famous ayam pedas, and myself on vegetables and fried rice(we have some leftover rice, so we cook it)...makan was a real fun to see people eating stuffs you cooked and start being in their own world..nyum!!

after lunch, it was a combined feeling..i was tired, i was full, and i was SLEEPY..what does this combintion means? it sleeping time, people...only until 7.30pm , i was back to the real world.

nothing much happened later than that. i did some sprint cleaning program for the house and my room, vacumed them, re-arrange those unwanted t.vs, and some normal stuffs you do to make your house doesn't look like a waste collection center..

o.k people, i will see you later...i got to go back now. got to go to quilt, and take care of the smal-mart today(its already 4am, 14th)..bye


posted by imran at 3:59 AM |


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