sent the project paper proposal to PM Sabariah. at least half a job is done.
went to meet edzuan. it was me, prov, and hafiedz. i'm released to see him still be able to put a smile in the face and act normal. but still within his words, you can feel his pain. we had a chat over KFC chickens (at his place) and later hang at the living room. edzral later came and that completes the circle of the ever known Arau Debaters. The living legend. Took a look at his medical report and x-rays. he got a 4cm x 4cm x 5.6cm tumor on his the top of his left brain. we are hoping that the tumor is not cancerous, or else it would cause greater damage.
i can't stop praying for him to get well soon.
as i was sitting alone in my room, i recalled the days when we were in arau. he was a semester senior to me, but that wasn't a barrier for us to be a close friend. i was such a stucked-up bastard that can't even speak english well until i meet the debaters. still remember on the days when hafiedz and him convinced me to get into English Debates over BM. All the hours we spent in the gerai everyday. all the tournaments we went to together. hahaha...those good old days, will never come back. below is our picture somewhere around 4 years ago. taken at the place we called
kedai makcik in UiTM Arau, this place used to play a role as our hang out place, singing stage, and even debate training venue.

from left: prov(rizal), edzral, hendra, edzuan, myself, and bal.(hafiedz wasn't in the picture, couldn't recall why. was him the one who took the picture?
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