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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

so, it begins...

this is one of my new year resolution...

'to reduce my tummy size before asians debating championship 2006 that will be held this may'

so i went to a gymnasium in my university with a friend of mine this evening. his identity is yet to be exposed undet the principal of human right to privacy.(even google can decide not to expose his surfers list to american government, how can i do soemthing opposite to my friend, right?) we got ourself a program, a personal trainer, and the session starts. did some cycling and climbing (using machine, for sure!) and a bit of ab crunching. the best part, a sauna after all that. i just cant believe my ears the moment they(the frontdest people) offered us that. what? a sauna in uitm's gym? but its true, guys. i did that.

so the first day, moving towards my goal went well. even better, we were just offered by a friend to have a one-day session at Fitness First. that will take place tomorrow.

pray for my success, people. don't be suprised to see one familiar looking guy walking on the beach in Langkawi this May without his shirt on because he has nothing more to hide but more to all my friends from kyung-hee, as i promised, i'll send you the photo.

great journey starts with little steps...

posted by imran at 11:33 PM |


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