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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

one lesson i learnt today. NEVER SLEEP AFTER YOU HAD YOUR BREAKFAST !!

my weight was 81.0kg the moment i enterd the gym yesterday. i followed my diet right...until one part. i accidently fall asleep after taking my breakfast. it was the effect after staying 3/4 of the night watching EPL match. it was Arsenal vs Liverpool. Bad enough after my team lost by 1 goal.the undeserving one. Rafa Banitez was so desperate until he have to brought in Luis Gracia, and it was a good move. He scored.

let's continue with the story...

so i went to the gym, as usual..weight check. and i was shocked to death to find out i'm at 81.9kg..and that was (at least for me) B.A.D !!!!! i forced myself really hard so i can lose all those nasty weight i hate. unfortunately, an accident happened involving my good friend so i have to leave the place in hurry. without being able to complete the whole set of exersize. but that was ok. i'll go again tomorrow and hopefully..a good news.

went to sunway university college for a lecture from a Professor from National University of Singapore. Prof Wang. It was on 'Understanding China's Current Perspective' or something like that. The lecture was good. i like it so much because it was on the technical part of being in the central govt. of china itself.

i got to leave now.if not edzuan is going to get mad...

p/s: correction...Lin will be taking 'International Studies' and not Journalism in Eee Hwa University in Korea. Ampun, Lin..

posted by imran at 10:57 PM |


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