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Sunday, April 09, 2006

forced myself to start the day early. for a sunday morning, already be out at9.00am can be considered as a kind of early. many things gonna happen today, and no matter how it turn to be i hope i can, at the end of the day have a smooth ride home ( i mean gombak, here).

had a walk around the morning market near shah alam stadium, somehow i saw a large crowd circling a stall. in fact, from far i can only hear the voice of the seller while he himself was somewhere in the middle of the people. i know this must be another 'jamu' or any kind of traditional medicine telling the whole lot of stories to people, selling their some magic and people later get amazed..take the pills back home, hoping some kind of magic will happen on them.

though my heard hesistate, still... i slipped thru the crowd for the sake of finding out what really happen and hell, i was right. but somehow curiousity came in and i stood still, to be precise...i even went to the level of tolerating a bastard beside that was puffing his cigarette one after another..right beside my nose.

what did i find? a man, age somewhere around 40 (but he later claimed he is 50 plus) doing a magic to turn a whole boxRM 1 note to RM 50 and 100.(mind you not a piece, but a BOX). and those Rm 1 notes will later be given to the first 20 people to become 'ibu duit'-so called can make sure your cash flow shall never stop. but just before he open it, took out about 20 rings, said to be made from 'Batu Geliga Alam' that has been 'filled ' with spells using words from the Quran, claimed to have a lot of power. if you have problem to find a job, wear the ring, turn it upside down so the stone touches the palm of a person that interviews you and things will become easier. that can also works to make a person likes you (your boss, subordinates, etc). he later told everybody that he is giving them all FREE of charge . He can't sell them, he said because he was prohibited to. But all these will only happen, provided you donate RM1 to any blind man or to the mosque. but before all that happen, you need to fill those notes in an envelope, where every person be provided with one each.he later took those envelops for the purpose so he can fill the rings in the envelopes.sounds nobel? lets move on...

later, the medicine came out. he guarantees they will work or you can hit him to death. and the intersting part is, he will give the rings to those who buys his 'jamu's, cost RM 20 a set. if you buy 2 sets, you entitle to 2 rings. and for those that gave RM 1 earlier for the ring, if you don't buy he shall later call you as a non-believer and he'll return the money. HAH! now, what happen with the promise? and doesn't that action somehow seems as selling those rings too? and the best part...those who had given the Rm 1 notes earlier now trapped between to buy or not to buy. if they don't want to..they shall be called as a non-believer..IN PUBLIC. but if he is to buy? does he really need it? or does he really believe in it?

at the end of the day, i decide to walk out even before the 'show' ends. before he manage to disperse all the rings, before he opens the money box. no matter the magic works or not, doens't matter to me anymore. besides, if he can do all that? why bother to sit under the hot sun and sell jamu? batter still he duplicate those money to as much as he need (or don't need) and be a rich guy. that is even better than any quick-rich scheme or MLM programs, isn't?

even after all that, i didn't consider what happened that as a waste of time, but another valuable experience to be remembered. i take it as an evidence of how hardship of life really makes people try to squeeze every single avenues they can find to get easy the simples way possible. this goes both to the seller and all his 'believers'.

as i continue walking to my bike, saw the same scene at the other corner of the market...don't worry, i know whats happening.

posted by imran at 10:47 PM |


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