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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

spent time up until 2pm sleeping.(yes, i was hell tired) woke up, shower and prepared to ride back to gombak. got a lot of dirty clothes waiting to be washed. but before that, return the whole box of discs to Blachak so UiTM Ulty Team can play this evening.

Since I'm going home anyway..i decided to stop by ISKL (International School of Kuala Lumpur) for an Ulty session. First time being there, and I agree with MeiJyn and Blachak. They play a higher level of game and I like it. Frankly, the way (it was just the weather-it was cloudy) they play somehow doesn't make me felt too much tired. Amazingly I can stay in the game for quite a long time. Plus, because they really play the wey it was supposed to be played, (no physical contact..the main rule. and the level of game spirit they show was really good made us play with very minimal stress. You know, we play sport..competitive one but still we are cool. Sounds good, that's exactly how i felt.

And now I'm waiting my laundry to be done. After that...good night, world.

posted by imran at 11:51 PM |


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