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Thursday, July 28, 2005

6 hours...3 glasses..10 pages..


the good day about today is, there are various first time things happened. let me go thru it one by one. actually, today is also the due date for us, the Malaysian interns to send our article to our beloved budak kecik ms.editor..fea. being the leader of the group, i should have noexcuse but to send it by today. the not so good part was, i haven't start writing anything yet. thank god i brilliantly completed my research on the topic lat night..and i PRINTED al of them. having that condition, i was just in a situation to find the right mood, spot and feel to write. i've tried last night, syahz was suppose to be there to keep me up the whole nite but dia pulak yang tido awal..leaving me no other option except to also sleep..(hahaha...such an escapism statement..aku yg malas, nak salahkan orang la pulak). before i went to sleep,i set a goal to myself to wake up early tomorrow and finish the thing.. unfotunately...hehehe... i bet you know what happened. it was 2.30pm, i set my mind..i will walk myself to dillons to get the telephone card, and later walk back to drury and finish my job at the computer lab. stopped at k.p on the way to visit those who are working here for the last day(syahz and fea)..the journey continues, dropped by at the tindle mills to gaher some information for my writing. the moment i went out of dillons, a new idea popped out...why the hell should i walk back to drury when i could go to the mudhouse coffe house, get myself a drink and sit there the whole day doing my writing. so i go with the plan. guess what? i spent 6 HOURS sitting there with 3 different drinks a) mudpuddle-taste so great!, nothing from starbucks could challange it. b) water..-i need to neutralize my tounge and throat from the taste of the thick mudpuddle.. c) vanilla blacktea.. how frequent do you encounter tea with vanilla flaour?.. at 10, i was ready to go..with 10 pages of my own handwriting(itu yg jadi, yg tak jadi tu tak payah cerita lah) about our visit to the tindle mills plant-a manufacturer of livestock nutrition food. today, i made 4 new friends..1) karpal singh (i know you are familiar with this name, an icon from malaysian political scene) - a sikh guy (this is my first time to encounter a sikh guy overhere) and his wife- a physician working at cox north ( man, that's just several yarda away from my apartment) he was happy ( i guess) to meet me too..he ended offering me a treat at 'gem of india' - the only indian restaurant in town. heard they have good selection of foods from prata to tandoori to capati to dhal to curry...thank god, i was about to go to the restaurant next week somewhere between tuesday and thursday. god heard my pray, he gave me a much better deal. monday..all paid for..2) a sms studnet -grown up in india. let me try to recall his name.. feesh..or something like that. i first say this guy at the patron alley pub last saturday while watching the live band. 3) a korean guy working at the mudhouse itself..kalau lin tengok budak ni mesti dia pengsan..aku jamin.

thats the end of one beautiful lets begin the second one..

as i walked out of the mudhouse, it was around 10.15pm. yes, it was already dark..and cold. it was around 50 degreed ferenheit. it is not a commmon thing to happpen as the previous night could go as night could go as high as 70 degrees ferenheit. i believe that i never want to waste this opportunity to sit and relax at the square, enjoying myself. it was a hapening night. i could say because it was still early so there was still many people around. some skates, some doing bmx stunts, there was a group of people doing swordfight sparring(using the wodden samurai sword), there was a guy sittin at one conrner with his guitar, playin country songs, some girls doing the i decided to sit with an old man on the bench. he was just chillin around. had some chat and i later walked away. it was 10.45 and i wanted to walk around to see the town. made my way to the meryl's..actually i was hungry and would like to look for some food. not so lucky, it was already closed. maybe jeryl and sara( thats the name of the couple running the place) decided to go back early and spend more time with their kids, i guess. thats the good thing to run your own business, you got to choose your own schedule..but if it is too much, costumers are going to run away and ... there goes your business.

lets talk a bit about this matter..
doing business, especially when it is your own business...has not always be about yourself, in should not all about yourself. the only part where you could incorporate your personal interest was when you want to motivate yourself to work harder and earn more money. the rest of all about other people. the people you serve, the costumers you want to please, those people walkin in and out the store giving you business and free words by mouth promotion..the most effective promotional method of was a funny moment to see the culture of local retailers in some part in our country in my kangar, perlis. some of these people(mostly malay retailers), amazingly decide to close their shop on sundays with the reason to enjoy the weekend holiday. while sundays has always been the only day beside saturdays for the town to be crowded by people ( and that could be assume to bring lots of business) , these brilliants decide to sit at home and watch amazing the world could be...finish.

so later i walked back to the square, and later to the bus transfer facility ( we call it terminal or transit point in transportation term) for the sake of using the bathroom. i was cold, man..i cannot resist myself from peeing. a guy .. a gay guy asked me direction in do i know he is a gay? simply because he asked the way to martha vinyard. thats the well known gay and lesbian club in town. i sat in front of the concrete statue, near the guitar guy, i can hear him from my spot..wondering around. actually, there are several things that bothers my mind. i sat down, took out my all-time best friend, mr pen and paper..and started writing. i was so carried away with it, the moment i realize it was already 11.40pm , i know i have to stop. eventho i still have lots of stuffs to write, but i cannot sacrifice the main purpose i went out do and finish the writing so i can send it, the least by 11.59pm. started home and sent the masterpeice.. a bit later from on time: 00.00(thats according to my watch).

i was hungry, baked pizza, 2am, walked out and here i lab. i felt so happy the moment i log on to my yM and msn messanger today. non-stop chatting. at least there was
my sister, azuan, zamil, saidatul, azita cilt, and one more person from our very own intern. i happily responded to all of them. felt so great to get to be in contact with people i love.
guys, its alredy 6.50 am..i promised my dad to call to go...
p/s: while writing this, i litsen to anuar zain - 'mungkin' and 'jangan bersedih lagi' over and over whom it may concern..yes, i like those songs..
-life is always great, everthing is just a new experience, no matter how shitty it could be...-

posted by imran at 6:53 AM |


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