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Saturday, July 23, 2005



in malaysia, have you ever thought that you ( as a muslim), a normal layman would be given chance to give the 'khutbah' for the friday prayer?even when you request for it? especially when you are just a young man, around 20's, and there were many other older guys and obviously they are much more knowledgable than you..would these people, willing to give you that chance? would these people allow you to play your role in saying what you want to say for the betterment of your community? the answer wold be as simple as NO!! there are thousands of excuses given to these people, and most of them were extremely unacceptable. plus, even if you are allowed to do so, you HAVE to follow the text that is prepared by the AUTHORITY...that does not happen least in springfeild, i was proud to see on eof our intern friend, anuar a.k.a edward to stand up..on the mimbar, where today, out of sudden we have an outstanding amount of jamaah..he was there, speaking to the people from heart, and touched every single soul in the room. he was good, i have to say.

my point is very simple, why cant we have that in our country? where people would be given chance to speak their mind up, and being heard.. regardless who he is, where he came from, without being prejudice towards their backgrond. as long as he wants to use the proper channel, and willing to also hear from other people, why deny this right from each and every single man? later, let those who litsen to them be the judge...

reson why we need this is very simple...we need to never stop the people from using their brain to think. how this could be done? very simple..let them speak their mind..let them express what they feel, let them send messages they wanted to send to the community. nobody want to do all these if they don't feel its worthy to think a lot, as whatever outcome came thru by cracking their head, will later sank down at the back of their brain. everybody wants to be credited and reearded with whatever they did..especially when it may have such a big impact for the betterment of the community. i am a debater ( or maybe some people would be more happy if i say that i used to be one).. and as i debates, i sometimes wonder, what kind of change would i be able to make, just by talking like this? as i also have a friend from IIUM that just hates debates ( and debaters ) as much as he hates Arsenal, he kept asking me the same question..i just don't know if i answered him good enough, but i belive that for me to be able to bring change( and i am just a person that loves to create one ), first i have to prepare myself enough. and being in the debating scene has REALLY helped me very very much...learned, and still learning..lots of stuff...skills, technics, awareness, knowledge, and the most important of all....the friendship bonded between us..precious...

enough about that..

little quick on what happened today:1232-woke up,1310-friday prayer,1400-cook4lunch(for rakin, syahz,myself), 1630-businessforum:jim b. anderson:sprinfeildchamberofcommerce, 1730-helpjeffclearsummerscapestuff,1845-skateboard, 2100-movienight@founders'park:sharktale,2300-downtownwalk/mudhouse, 0115-bob'splace:nasiputih+sardin+telodadar, 0330-pclab...


posted by imran at 6:24 AM |


Commented by Blogger philters:

hear! hear!

and imran, my brother, once you've ever been a debater, its a contract for life - always a debater:)

July 24, 2005 8:23 PM 

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