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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

the day started in such a beautiful manner. though i spent last night sleepless...yerp..after being soaked in the rain while i was on my way back to shah alam, i went out for a drink with Emilia and Khairul in Khulafa Bistro where i later met my SIFE people..and later Rafai'e from my debate club. for a while, i have to say that i felt a kind of famous, i have to say.from there Zamil was suppose to send me back to home until Senoi and him came out with an idea to catch a midnight movie. drove ourself to One Utama just to get to know that the movie got cancelled as result of no crowd. hell, only if we were there earlier. just for the purpose to kill the time, we went to the new Uptown. after Senoi had 4 packs of nasi lemak, Zamil ate 5, and myself..2+Koteow Kerang..we drove back to shah alam when i received a challange from Rafai'e to watch Champions Legue Quarter Finals-Arsenal vs. Real Madrid with Hefiedz and him. Being a real Arsenal fan I am, I was game for it. Hafiedz and me..were all time Arsenal. Rafai'e was the only on Real's side. He was so confident that his team gonna win. I personally have some doubt looking at the way both team performing in their own league.

But despite all that doubt, the moment Reyes had his chance denied by Cassilason the first minute, I know it was an Arsenal's game. And the truth was decided the moment Henry dribbled the ball passed 3 Real's defender before he went for a nice cross shot from the left to the right side of the goal. And the result stays though The Gunners was should be able to score more.

That impliedly means that all our drinks and food bill were paid by...Rafai'e.

Another good thing today...though i was suppose to watch a movie with a friend but the plan got to be cancelled at the last minute..but still there was another good part of today. After 4 days not going to gym for various reasons...i was still manage to maintain my weight at normal level. Entered the gym with 80.5 kg and walked out with 79.7.

Tonight, its Barcelona-Chelsea's game. All of you knows that in the EPL, my rank is Arsenal-Chelsea-Livepool since I was in school. In the La Liga, Barcelona is the one i associate myself to.(FYI, i have met the whole team of Braca during my visit to Barcelona in 204). But for tonight's game, i root myself to Barca. All the way, Ronnie...make The Blues feel the hell!

posted by imran at 11:41 PM |


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