after months of patient wait, the time has come. the day when i can see faces that i have missed for long. faces of people that decided to leave things that they have in malaysia, up to the level where many of us need to extend our duration of studies by extending semesters to reach for a cance of a lifetime....to fly to the united states of america for the sake to gain knowledge that we could never imagine...plus unlimited fun, uncountable good memories, and tons of smiles.
for all of us, we are no more just friend, we are family. a big one. a happy one. and its gonna be that way, all the time.
shroom's, KLCC witnessed how much joy we had to get to see each other again. when the girls started to scream + hugging each other (aza & mag, you are the best!!!), when each of us can't stop talking even with out mouth full, when every of us were worried about fea when she suddenly got herself in front of PWTC, when feroz was the king to get the most food, when zulia can't stop eating until we need to postpone our journey to starbucks, when bob and me realized that most of the girls (syahz, fea, zulia for sure, aza is out of the list, others, we don't know) don't even know how to drive to KLCC, in fact syahz and zulia even 'used' us to get themselves there, when bynie used the term of 'subway' instead of 'putra-lrt', and so many other things that happened...it was witnessed by all...proof that we are such a big happy family, even with no enough presence of members, we were there, we did our thing, we totally had fun!!!
from the foodcourt, to shroom's, to starbucks, seemed that we don't have enough time to share all our stories. we definetely need another thing like this, maybe after 'eid-fitr', open houses (sorry zulia, you are so gonna miss all of them, enjoy your trip to U.K well)
the joy we had, was 2 days ago. but yet,i still feel it until today.
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