hello people...
it has been near a month since my last post. just wanna tell you guys that it was not i do not want to post new stuffs, but i was too busy doing so much stuffs, plus there were some unfortunate and uexpectable events happens. yeah, when you find those people that you used to trust seemed to turn the other way around, those people that i share stories that i don't share with others turned( or they are like that since before, just i didn't realize it, or never think that they would do this to me) to be somebody that wants to be some smartass doing shits and get away with it..whatever..
lets move on...
in less than one month, i am back in a foreign land. this time, singapore. FYI, when i was on my way to narita, i unfortunately left a roll of beautiful 'paintings' of new york city. it wasn't expensive by dollars, but it is so unique because that 'painting' was made out of hundreds, or maybe thousands of pictures, desingned in such a way where it made the scenery of NY city. the best part was, it was no only my 'painting' that i was took care...those were also some that belogs to my 4 other friends... so the cabin crew found it, and they sent it to united airlines counter in singapore(because there is no U.A counter in KLIA..) and here i am all the way from shah alam to pick the stuff.
so i thought... as i am already here, why not i spend at least one night? stay in a backpackers' place..cheap, you can make lots of friends, and this could be my stepping stone towards realizing my goal to go backpack around the world... i will be leaving tomorrow, after spending the whole day going around..haven't decide either to go around the city area again(i did that last time in 2004-during NTU world's debate) or going to sentosa island. its o.k . no need to rush, i still have a lot of time..
what did i do today? besides spending 2 hours walking in changi airport(at some point, the system was so stupid!!!, we will talk about this later...) in the evening, checked in the place. i was thinking to have a nap(damn sleepy!!) but as i made new friends peter and philip from germany, a lady from france and a guy from hong kong, we went out for dinner,where peter, philip and myself later decide to go and have cocktail in stamford hotel, if i am not mistaken, it is the tallest cocktail bar in the world. happen to be peter was wearing flip-flops and sleeveles shirt, so we can't make the way in. so we went, walk around the harbour..and later had drink beside singapore river. later another walk home. very simple night, but it was very nice.
*sigh*it feels so nice to run away from shitty life, take some break, and give a chance to myself to be prepared for a comeback...
nitey nite, people..
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