zul came to the room last nite, i was watching t.v with mat le, serang , and halim...
it was a kind of weird the way he acted last nite, he seemed like wanting to tell semething but kept on resisting doing that. he opened topics, mostly about CILT, and later dropped it with no reason.
we know, he was hiding something. but for us that has known him for the last 2 years ( halim even known him for 5 years) we just let him be. we know sooner or later when he couldn't take it anymore ( to keep the secret, he will somehow blow it anyway..
later he called mat le out of the room, he (mat le) came back in... with a blue card in his hand. i guess zul wanted him to first keep it for himself, but what a heck, mat le was on our side ...
what card was it? finally, after 2 years being a member of one of the most respected logistics and transport organization in the world, we got our membership card. now, i got proof to say that i am a member of this insititute. it is not that the card took 2 years to sail from london (that's where the institute based on). the card has just been introduced this year. for me, this is another proof on how the new president of CILT Malaysia, Mr. Abdul Radzak Malek is working hard to upheld the name of CILT in Malaysia. First step, to instill the sense of belonging and proud among the members to be a part of the CILT family. I salute you, Sir.

Thank You.
zul later gave the rest of us our cards, and that ends the story of the day... but still, as usual, these card-makers just love..again and again..to spell my dad's name incorrecly. supposedly it is 'Ali Imran Mohd Noordin' , not Nordin...felt so irritated. the good part is, our card looks MUCH nicer than ACCA's (shama is so gonna be pissed, hahhahaaaa)
p/s: mamat kat sebelah aku ni apasal lah..gaduh ngan awek at cc...penat aku nak dengar.. "kerana you lah telah musnahkan hati i, penat i call pagi tadi, kalau la saya jatuh masuk longkang tadi..bla..bla..bla..."( no kidding, i am listening to this now, the guy is saying it repeated ly...can't stand it anymore..help me!! )
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