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Saturday, October 15, 2005

another house related case

remember yesterday i cleaned my house? today is another house job for me. this time, its my friend's house. kadak is moving out to kota damansara, and i agreed to lend him a hand. we ended up sleeping in the car as his original room was pack with boxes filled with his stuffs. damn this guy, his own stuff (reminder: he is a single guy staying in a room in one apartment, sharing with an arab couple and his room was the smallest room out of all) could fill 1 tonne lorry. ngam-ngam soi... luckily he is moving into a flat unit where he will stay ALONE. good for him.

it was such a challange to load 1-tonne stuffs to the 4th floor of a low cost pkns flat. there was no elevator, just physical strength. fasting some more...damn..tired dey..

not only that, we later went to homelife to buy a queen size bed just for 99 bucks..a weekend offer. then to IKEA, to grab some other stuff. again another climb to the 4th floor...luckily it was after iftar...

went back to gombak after the house was done. enough for a creature like kadak to live...

posted by imran at 12:40 PM |


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