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Sunday, December 04, 2005

i love happy endings...

We did it!!! finally after the 9-years wait, UiTM won the Royals Intervarsity Debate!!! as i told you earlier, last night was one of the most important night in UiTM debating history. we were in the finals, against the defending champion, IIUM. the 6-0 breaking record, plus 2 in the knock out rounds and 1 in the finals...made it 9-0 wins throughout the tournament. that's a record of its own, man. first time in the history of the tournament. the number 9 seemed to bring luck to us. its the 9th royals, with 9 debaters from uitm ( 1 in senior team and 2 in junior team), and the 9 rounds win. damn! i feel good!!!

last night, after the finals everybody was in a mood of '"i think we deserve the win but we still afraid if the last year's history repeats"( we lost to IIUM in last year's finals in UMS). knowing the fact that we will not be able to sleep anyway because we worry too much ( or was that just an excuse to find some fun? nope, actually we were in the worry mode) we decided to find some way to relief ourselves, drove (3 cars) to Mines, thought of catching any movie. too bad, we were too late for the last show, so we went to hartamas for a drink ( for ilyas, tariq, habib and me: watch a football match-M.U vs Portsmoth. as an Arsenal fan, ( actually i'm for anything against M.U) i believe that to watch the Red Devils ( hell yeah i'm sure they are going to get burn in the hereafter!!) was not a good scene to watch.but i got to admit i enjoyed the game, tho.

then we drove to Bukit Permai. the place where everybody turned to be a kid again. maximum utilization of all facilities in the playground gave us such a good time. i mean it, when we laughed like there was nobody around,i guess it was a clear indicator that we enjoyed ourselves.

arrived in UKM at 6am. around 9.30 i was awake. get prepared, and went to the hall (DECTAR) to watch the finals for Bahasa Melayu category.

still remember the moment when the word-swallowing emcee announced us as the winner. he (stupidly) announce the runner up first, not thinking that by doing that would take the surprise away.(yeah,because who will be left to win, right?). he said 'UIAM' (that's the translation of IIMU acronym into Malay language. i heard that, hoping i heard the right thing, jumped and screamd...Tubby, our trainer did that too. so i know i was right. the problem was, everybody else except us was sitll sitting as if nothing happened, looked like they were stone or something...untilt both of us ( Tubs and me) turned at them, shouthed 'WE WIN " to their face, then they realize and join the celebration. haiyoh!! what la...

so unfortunate during the price giving ceremony, i have to say it was tarnished by several incidents. the inability of the emcee @ MC @ master of ceremony to announce the name of right institutions was one problem, plus even if he pronounce the right name, it was always unclear for us the audience to hear. the maximum damage was done when he, somehow someway announced the wrong verdict for Bahasa Melayu category. he first announced UiTM as the winner. i was jumping, screaming, happily. how can i was not happy when we won both Bahasa Melayu and English category? Its a double dose celebration, man. suddenly out of nowhere the cheif judge came out and announce the 'right' verdict. the trophy goes to UPM. it was a sad, sad moment for the Bahasa team. I don't know what the heck is wrong, but from the sources that can be trusted, there were hell lots of problem happened in the management of Bahasa Melayu category and the incident was the max of it. pity them...don't worry guys, you are still our champion, in heart.

no matter what ever happens, this royals will always be the one to be remembered...

posted by imran at 7:56 PM |


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