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Sunday, October 30, 2005
An evening in Jalan TAR part 2
 Who says only Mawi can generate sales...Papa Rock also can... 
The famous Den Wahab...even Michael Jackson used to come here for a set of 'Baju Melayu'. A friend tolds me that. No kidding. 
Pustaka Indonesia... I have to admit the best place to find good religious book in K.L. 
The critical scene. DBKL guy was having a 'soft talk' with the seller whom been coinfiscated. Look at the guy with Brown cap. At this time he wasn't realize that I was snapping around. 
The unlucky shot, look at the guy in Brown cap again, he just realize that I was there and right after that, ran towards me folowed by his friends. I guess the one who says 'Biarlah' was the one in Blue t-shirt with Yellow lines in the arms.
an evening in jalan TAR before Eid part 1
First shot of the day, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, a man selling bubble gun to pedestrians...

A baloon seller, walking in the middle of Jalan Masjid India 
A lady cycling thru the busy road carrying used boxes to sell. For a bit to bite 
A proof on how Mawi being used to create sales  'Should I shut my eyes, Blind off the cries, And leave them on their on their knees? As this world goes on with dollars and pounds and rich, and poor, and the mighty' - Caburtor Dung 1997 
'Roti-roti buy my roti, roti kaya roti kari...semua ada-ada roti'
Saturday, October 29, 2005
i have always wanted to be a phoographer cum writer, but can't. got a chance to do it today, did it, the outcome was : GREAT !!!
first time to blog from home... woke up today by a phone call, my cousin asked me a favor to accompany his sister, which is one of the closest cousin i ever had to come back to Gombak. First thing i had on my mind: Darn! i planned to have anice walk around K.L, particularly Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman and its surroundin areas. wanted to observe Malaysian's last minute habit. in this case, the last minute shopping for EidFitr. in my mind, i want to carry around my camera and take as many pictures as i can, and post it here. after some negotition, my cousin was willing come along with me, provided if i go to Puduraya with her. both of us said o.k and the journey begins. i ( i mean we) started walking around. it wasn't a long walk as both of us need to be home for breakfast a.k.a iftaar. so, what did i find? Hardship of LifeAs i was walking around the place, actually the first thing came across my mind was the strength of these people to go thru life. how life is so hard for them and they would do anything as to keep on living. at least to get a bite to eat for the day. some people got to manipulate others' popularity for their own good. best example, those sellers in the nighe market no matter what they sell uses Mawi, the winner of Akedemi Fantasia 3 to generate sales. i also managed to find one seller that maybe don't like Mawi as much as others, uses Ramli Sarip-Malaysia's Papa Rock as his icon. encountered a scene whereby people from DBKL was confiscating a beg seller. maybe it was the permit issues. situation was tight, the guys at least 3 of them was arguing with 2 officers. so i snapped 2 shots. the 2nd shot was the unlucky one. one of the guys realized that, ran towards me and started to accuse me. his friends later came along. later i found out that they were immigrants from indonesis from the way they talk. the dialect, i mean. one of the fella tried to grab my camera off, but i was holding it tight. later i told him (yes, i lied to him) that i was just looking at pictures in my camera, which happen to be my torn adidas stan smith shoes. showed him that picture, gave a straight face, and started to walk off. i know for a fact that if i stay longer, i might get beaten up. one of them later asked him to let me go, so i just continue walking. damn, that was close. Last MinutersI am sorry to say this but i guess many Malaysians just love to do works at the last minute. i personally think that very much implies in the Malays. the people that i know, friends that i have, and sometimes myself, might need to have some attitude change on this particular part of their life. the thing is, nobody could help them in anyway except themselves. many people that i met, saw and talked to admitted that they WERE doing last minute shoppings. reason for it? TRILLIONS of them. OthersBasically i found the area as an interesting place to walk around. maybe its not too bad to say that by going to such places, you get to see the 'real life' of people, struggling day-by-day to live. Also, there are middle class people that go thru life as a routine. not much to worry about but to sustain whatever they already heve. the upper class people, pointing around as they were walking to get whatever they want while a boy was squatting, just beside his feet asking for a penny. eally reminds me to one song by Caburator Dung - 'Happy'. Anyway, are we happy now? p/s pictures will be up soon. something wrong with the usb hub today. it just doesn't detect the camera...
wasted life..but still, its great!!!
28/10/2005i can't help myself to tell you how i have wasted the past 5days ( including today) of my life...some people would say that i'm just making a bad statement on myself, but..what a heck.. i literally did NOTHING at all. i wake up at 12pm everyday, wondering around. grab serang's nokia n-gage and start my 'cereer' in EA Sport FIFA 2005. that will normally take about 1 to 3 hours ( for sure i stop along the way and countinue playing again later ) ... serang will leave to work around 2.30pm. he works in the KFC, by the way. then i will have a half-an-hour gap before my next agenda. 3pm, i'll be in front of the t.v, watching chinese drama. that will keep me for an hour. 4pm onwards, until 5.30 pm before the next chinese drama, i will keep on changing stations in which i normally end up watching cooking-related programs. 6.30, the drama ends, or sometimes i leave the drama at 6 so i can go out to ramadhan bazaar with mat le or baka or both of them, looking for food for break fast. after iftar, we gonna watch sitcom, malay or another chinese drama, then the news, halim wil join us after he got back from work aroud this moment, then we will play along with whatever appears on the screen until 12.00am before i ride out to fetch serang from work. thats only if i didn't go out for basketball. 12.30 both of us gonna go to restoran gembira in section 3 to get our telor goreng dadar+sup kosong+sambal belacan for sahur (yes, thats all i had for sahur)...get ourselves back home, and start watching t.v again while listening to serang telling stories on what happen on the day at his workpalce. all of us will not sleep until 4.30am for sahur, after fajr prayer we all gonna be dead for couple of hours. 12pm , life starts again... yerp, its a wasted life...maybe i am too used to american lifestyle? bullshit... i kept on asking myself why does this happen? normally i am such a person that could not live to do nothing. i just hate myself if i have nothing to do. as i kept on thinking, i guess maybe i am at the point where i just want to lose it all. i don't know why. maybe the singapore therapy is not good enough? but then again, i guess i have a better answer...its just me. its just me that has been asking to keep on giving reasons on my laziness.. conclusion is.. I"M SUCH A LAZYBOY!!! gotta stop this and start pushing myself back to the glory days...god, please help me. Amen.
Monday, October 24, 2005
dear my beloved people
 after months of patient wait, the time has come. the day when i can see faces that i have missed for long. faces of people that decided to leave things that they have in malaysia, up to the level where many of us need to extend our duration of studies by extending semesters to reach for a cance of a fly to the united states of america for the sake to gain knowledge that we could never unlimited fun, uncountable good memories, and tons of smiles. for all of us, we are no more just friend, we are family. a big one. a happy one. and its gonna be that way, all the time. shroom's, KLCC witnessed how much joy we had to get to see each other again. when the girls started to scream + hugging each other (aza & mag, you are the best!!!), when each of us can't stop talking even with out mouth full, when every of us were worried about fea when she suddenly got herself in front of PWTC, when feroz was the king to get the most food, when zulia can't stop eating until we need to postpone our journey to starbucks, when bob and me realized that most of the girls (syahz, fea, zulia for sure, aza is out of the list, others, we don't know) don't even know how to drive to KLCC, in fact syahz and zulia even 'used' us to get themselves there, when bynie used the term of 'subway' instead of 'putra-lrt', and so many other things that was witnessed by all...proof that we are such a big happy family, even with no enough presence of members, we were there, we did our thing, we totally had fun!!! from the foodcourt, to shroom's, to starbucks, seemed that we don't have enough time to share all our stories. we definetely need another thing like this, maybe after 'eid-fitr', open houses (sorry zulia, you are so gonna miss all of them, enjoy your trip to U.K well) the joy we had, was 2 days ago. but yet,i still feel it until today.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
friends...a great give by god ( yes, i believe in god !!! )
21/10/2005i'm a kind of proud on what i did today. out of sudden i missed my friends so much. i feel like i want to hug every of them and tell them how much they means to me... i don't know why. in the evening, sent my homie, serang to work. guess i shall be going to fecth him back soon after i'm sone with this. the story starts after the iftar.. so i took my friend's bike and start having friends' home hoping. started with bob, went to see him. actually it was more that i want to send him his recommendation letter from SIFE H.Q for after his great reputation during our 3 months stay in the u.s.a. not long, asked him how he is doing, (unfortunately, he got headeche, so can't stay has been such a long time since i got chance to hang out sith this big man) and later rode to azuan's house. remember, it was a sudden decision, so i didn't really get any chance to call my friends first before i go to their place. he wasn't around. mid valley if i was not mistaken. got on the bike again, went to sec.7, the place where zety, faez, jijie, mel and camme stays. none of them were around except zety. jijie went back to J.B. Faez went out with Mel to Selangor Medical Center, visiting a friend, camme no longer stays in the house. so i spent time with zety over a drink at Khulafa's and now i'm here in Mutiara Digital, the best cyber center in shah alam. i'm really happy to find all my friend were in pretty much good condition, they are healthy, they are happy, and they are having a smooth sailing life ahead. who in the world ever like to see their friends in sorrow, sick ( but got to admit many of my friends were sick in the head but still i love them), and having bad time. whoever try to mess with my any of friend, got to watch themselves out... o.k people, serang will finish his shift in several minutes. better go now...
Thursday, October 20, 2005
its a sad day today, Malaysia's no.1 lady - Datin Sri Endon Mahmood has just passed away this morning...according to reports, it was at 7.55am. every t.v station filled their slot during the day to broadcast the funeral 'live' on t.v. anyone that rely on public t.v stations can only resort to watch channel 2 if they want something else besides the reading of Al-Quran or any funeral-realted programs. if you watch tv3, there was a small slot at the bottom of the screen where people can send sms (some call it text message) to express their condolences to the Prime Minister and his family on the big loss. I personally envy this lady since long time ago for her strength to go against her breast cancer disease. for me, she is an icon for Malaysians if they are looking for somebody like Lence Armstrong in this country. if anybody bother to look at her past, she has been standing strong against her disease and go thru her daily life with pride. pride as a lady, as a mother, as wife to the Prime Minister of this wonderful land. lets go back to the sms slot. as the column was for Malaysians that have no chance to meet their leader face to face to tell him how much we feel him, i don't want to be left behind. so i send one sms. something sounds like how much its a great loss for the country to lose her and another normal condolence message lah. later i send it to 'dapat' (32728) i got a shock of my life when i realize that i was charged nearly one ringgit for that message. there was no notification that my sms will be charged at all on the t.v screen. it wasn't about the ammount they charge, for me its more like how could they use this situation as opportunity to generate revenue. to make money on somebody else's sad day. to make things worse, i have no idea where will the money go. if it goes to the 'Penyayang' - a cancer centre in Putrajaya, brain child of the late no.1 lady i would not have any problem. Charge me even 5 ringgit per sms, i am game for it. but if it goes to their dirty pockets? damn... are they too desprate of money? if it was ntv7 or the late Channel 9 ( incase if it still exists today), maybe i could, even i still hate it, take it. but this is tv3, owned by Media Prima Sdn . Bhd, a company that owns 3 tv stations in the country (tv3, 8tv, they bought over channel 9). in fact, they are eyeing to buy ntv7 and if it happens, the company will be the sole provider of public t.v station provided by a private organization in the country. now i am starting to have doubt on their another program to generate funds thru sms. its the 'Bersamamu' program. its about unfortunate peeple around the country, where their sufferings to go thru life be showed and viewers may donate to them via sms valued 2, 5, or 10 ringgit. how can i be assured that the money will be safely delivered to them. if you still you remember, if i'm not mistaken it was last year there was a similar program in ntv7 organized by ANSARA. it was called Tabung Harapan Ihsan Pelajar a.k.a Tabung HIP. every night, during the prime time news (8pm) a slot to show sufferings of kids around the country that can't go with their studies, mostly primary and secondary school students because their poor life condition and people may donate via sms (rm 10 per sms), a phone call ( the longer you call, the more you donate), or cheque. i was one of the person that worked as telephonist. my job, just to talk to donors, hear their stories, and up to a level, to be a councellor to those that can't stand their emotions.(remember, the longer their call time, the more their donation is. many of them cried. most of them can't believe their eyes that there were still people living in hunger with maximum 1 meal per day consisting of rice, salt,and water...most of them were people that came from very hard life and become very successful person nowadays. those kids reminded them to themselves during their yuonger days. during that 1 month experience, i finally believed that there are still a lot of good people that cares about other people with full of their heart in this country. not like those that donates for money, name, and hidden agendas. and until today, i hope that i will become somebody like them when i'm rich. sometime in the future... before i close, my deepest condolence to Prime Minister and his
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
the card
zul came to the room last nite, i was watching t.v with mat le, serang , and halim... it was a kind of weird the way he acted last nite, he seemed like wanting to tell semething but kept on resisting doing that. he opened topics, mostly about CILT, and later dropped it with no reason. we know, he was hiding something. but for us that has known him for the last 2 years ( halim even known him for 5 years) we just let him be. we know sooner or later when he couldn't take it anymore ( to keep the secret, he will somehow blow it anyway.. later he called mat le out of the room, he (mat le) came back in... with a blue card in his hand. i guess zul wanted him to first keep it for himself, but what a heck, mat le was on our side ... what card was it? finally, after 2 years being a member of one of the most respected logistics and transport organization in the world, we got our membership card. now, i got proof to say that i am a member of this insititute. it is not that the card took 2 years to sail from london (that's where the institute based on). the card has just been introduced this year. for me, this is another proof on how the new president of CILT Malaysia, Mr. Abdul Radzak Malek is working hard to upheld the name of CILT in Malaysia. First step, to instill the sense of belonging and proud among the members to be a part of the CILT family. I salute you, Sir.  Thank You. zul later gave the rest of us our cards, and that ends the story of the day... but still, as usual, these card-makers just love..again and spell my dad's name incorrecly. supposedly it is 'Ali Imran Mohd Noordin' , not Nordin...felt so irritated. the good part is, our card looks MUCH nicer than ACCA's (shama is so gonna be pissed, hahhahaaaa) p/s: mamat kat sebelah aku ni apasal lah..gaduh ngan awek at cc...penat aku nak dengar.. "kerana you lah telah musnahkan hati i, penat i call pagi tadi, kalau la saya jatuh masuk longkang tadi..bla..bla..bla..."( no kidding, i am listening to this now, the guy is saying it repeated ly...can't stand it me!! )
Sunday, October 16, 2005
another house related case II and a sad case of my adidas stan smith
thought i can spend the day to relax. too bad, i was wrong. this time, its provos-a friend i have known at least sincethe past 3 years. i asked him a favor to send me to the futsal court. playing with my debate mates tonight. "its a guys' nite out" says hafiedz. provos, with edzuan later made me help them to carry their stuffs to their house (5th floor, flat pkns sec.7 shah alam). they are moving in with hafiedz now. played futsal - as usual, it was the old skool vs the new school. the old skool team, experience was the main key to success..the new school..they are still young, in shape, full of energy. it was a real good game. at least for the old skoolers..when 1 of our goal counted as 2.hehhee... but then again, god was great. he 'paid' my rudeness on the spot..( ya lah, i was the one who laughed to the max everytime i got to score goal or to deny their try.. the victim beloved adidas stan smith .... huaaa!!! ( but still, it managed to score  some  more goals after the tragedy..)
Saturday, October 15, 2005
another house related case
remember yesterday i cleaned my house? today is another house job for me. this time, its my friend's house. kadak is moving out to kota damansara, and i agreed to lend him a hand. we ended up sleeping in the car as his original room was pack with boxes filled with his stuffs. damn this guy, his own stuff (reminder: he is a single guy staying in a room in one apartment, sharing with an arab couple and his room was the smallest room out of all) could fill 1 tonne lorry. ngam-ngam soi... luckily he is moving into a flat unit where he will stay ALONE. good for him. it was such a challange to load 1-tonne stuffs to the 4th floor of a low cost pkns flat. there was no elevator, just physical strength. fasting some more...damn..tired dey.. not only that, we later went to homelife to buy a queen size bed just for 99 bucks..a weekend offer. then to IKEA, to grab some other stuff. again another climb to the 4th floor...luckily it was after iftar... went back to gombak after the house was done. enough for a creature like kadak to live...
Friday, October 14, 2005
nothing much, it is just another beautiful day. cleaned the house, the condition was too bad for a human creature to live in. most of my housemates have moved out and rent a house in section 8, leaving me alone in the house. thank god, sometimes my ex-roomate still drop by and it looks like he is going to stay in again. evening, had 'iftar' with my fellow CILT people in McD Section 3 Shah Alam. Picture will be up later. its such a nice feeling to see those faces again. some are already working (ironicly, one of us even work in McD headquarters in damansara)...some still looking for one, some are considering to leave their current job as result for their hari raya leave were not approved. hmm.... such a nice day...
day that have been waited for...
October 13th, 2005for the people that you see in the picture(excluding me), today is such an important day for them. the day that they have been waiting since the last 2 years. why? simple...its the result day for their final exam. the one that says either they are now free from their student world, or else hey need to keep attending classes, at least unitl next february. well, supposedly i should be in the list, but the moment i decided to go to U.S.A for the internship program, i automatically need to extend my study until next february. i was there, for my friends. i just want to be there, as a friend that supports my friend in whatever course. if they make it, i will be there to give them a hi-five, if they stumble, i'll always there wipe their tears. well, some made it, some not. impliedly saying that they will be sitting in the class with me again , together we work to gain in coming exam. there was 3 papers(for a professional degree, 3 papers is already tough). transport planning (where most of them scored, or at least passed the paper) , project paper (unbelievably ALL of them made it at least for a 'C', meaning they still pass the paper), and transport policy ( this one, is the point of downfall-45% of them failed). the way i look at it? its just a nature... in going thru obstacles in life, some would make it, those who are not just need to try harder and hope for the better. i myself, after looking at what happened, starting to get worry about my own capability. i personally love transport policy so much compared to planning. but in my last CILT exam, i scored better in subject that i don't really like (Business Strategy and Policy) compared to the one i like ( Movement of Goods). why i like policy? simple...that subject allows me to answer from my heart. there is no right or wrong answer, just the way you argue for your stand. besides, i can incoporate more real-life examples to visualize my points, adding more weight to my answers. not that i say i can't do that in transport planning, it is just that subject requires too much based-on-book answers. you know, like the time you was in SPM or diploma level examination...*sigh*or maybe i am the one that is asking too much, maybe... spent the rest of the day 'lepak'ing with my old classmates. those who passed all papers(indirecly saying they are a graduated student) are now officially my so-called-seniors in the course. damn, they made it to become a chartered member to the institution earlier. when i am supposedly be one of them. yes, i feel some regrets, but it's just a passing feeling. i'm o.k. i wish my friend that made it, to start working in line with the industry . such a waste to spend 2 years working for a international professional qualification but ended up in some other feild. my iftar(thats to open fast)...was good. cititel, mid valley. first time in my life to open fast in a hotel. thanks to lin for the invite. later she introduced me to this japanese 'taco tau'. its like a ball with various fillings (you can choose octopus, chicken ham, or shrimp) taste good... got to leave, the abang burger stall will be closing in several minutes. need to get something for my 'sahur'...
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Roti Canai Memories
I was having my 'sahur' ( thats a meal before fasting for one day for muslims) after basketball last night. played until 2.30 am, had a drink until 3.30am and later we (mel, hanif, jibert, and myself) got to sneak into the college thru some ratholes. back to the story. roti canai (some call prata) was one of the meal i had last night, after one mee goreng mamak. looking at those roti, reminds me to one time when i was n the U.S when many of us was hunge and desperate to taste a malaysian food. so we decided to make roti canai, spicy chicken curry, and some other chicken-based food as we still have lots of 'halal' chicken in the fridge. some of us just don't take non-halal chicken so that time was a good time for the kenduri so that everybody can really eat. mildred looked for roti canai recepie on the net, came back and make the dough. fea was busy with chicken curry. zulia and feroz was making some other dish, if i'm not mistaken they took care of the vege-based dishes, syahz was helping out here and there, rakin was taking care of smal-mart, a convenient store, bob was in his room, had fever, is (thats a name) was also helping here and there. me? as you see there, i was the one, trusted to 'tebar' the roti. actually it wasn't me alone, anuar was sith me but he decided not to be in the picture. it was funny to think the way we decided to do it. eventhough it has been planned for a long time but the day we decided to do it, it was like it was never planned. some of the girls went out clubbing (it was thursday nite), some others was also out. it was a bit sad because we can't gather all of us and had the meal together. but it was still good with the crowd that we have, most of us were the eat-un-stop-able type of people.  Look at those faces... faces of winners. people that worked hard for good taste of food (not to forget to mention that rakin later become honourable dishwash-man because he didn't help at all during the cooking process) ...
miss those wonderful people so much...i really do
Monday, October 10, 2005
after singapore
it has been more than 2 weeks since my backpack trip to singapore. i came back fresh, rejuvenized, and ready to face whatever shit that may happen. thank god, the 'singapore therapy' works. things went worse than i could ever thought.(actually i aready predicted that it may happen but i never expact it to REALLY happen). i stool still, firm enough to go over those bastards and pretenders. it was a great satisfaction to look at faces that wants to hold you down, but they never get to do so. lets move on. basically, besides the shitty part of my life, there are more good things that i want to talk about. since the last few weeks, i have been doing some freelance work in organizing events and some promotions. i went to UTM(Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) and UCSI (University College Sedaya International) to do promotion for, an on-line bookstore. I also helped out and became an emcee for a seminar held in conjunction of 'Public Transport Awareness Day' in my very own university, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). Kudos to my friends from BBA (Hons) Transport and Malaysia Institute of Transport (MITRANS) for such a successful event. being a student with less than 10 hours of class per week made me crazy. i practically have not much to do in my daily life. thinking of looking for a part-time job but until today there was no call yet. maybe sometime in the future. i just cant stand this kind of life. the life where the moment you wake up every morning, you got no idea on whats gonna happen or what are you going to do in that day. i can't do that. need to stop this as soon as possible. till then...